iPhone Email Update Instructions (iOS 18.x)

iPhone General Email Settings

Incoming Server Settings

Account Type: IMAP
Incoming Server: m.net10.net
SSL: Enabled
Incoming Port: 993
Username: Your full email address

Outgoing Server Settings

Outgoing Server: m.net10.net
SSL: Enabled
Outgoing Port: 465
Username: Your full email address

These instructions are for updating your existing account on your iPhone or iPad to use our current settings. For adding your account to your iPhone or iPad for the first time, please see the email setup document.

  1. Tap Settings from the home screen.
    Settings Icon
  2. Tap Apps.
  3. Tap Mail.
  4. Tap Mail Accounts.
  5. Tap your Net10 email account on the list of accounts.
  6. Tap Account Settings.
  7. Verify that the Host Name is set to m.net10.net and that User Name is your full email address.
  8. Tap on Advanced.
  9. Make sure that the Use SSL option is Enabled and that the Server Port is set to 993.
  10. Tap Authentication.
  11. Even if Password is already selected, tap it again and then click Advanced at the top left corner to return to the previous screen.
    Select Password Authentication
  12. Tap Account Settings to return to the Account page.
  13. Tap SMTP.
    Tap SMTP
  14. Tap the SMTP server under Primary Server:
    Tap SMTP Server
  15. Verify that Host Name is m.net10.net and that User Name is your full email address.  Enter your email password in the Password box (this is the same password you use for incoming mail). Use SSL should be enabled, and Server Port should be 465 (587 is also acceptable.)  Tap Authentication, tap Password, and then tap Back.  Tap Done.
    SMTP Server Settings
  16. Tap < Account Settings at the top left.
  17. Tap Done.
  18. Return to the Mail app to access your account.